Gel candle "beer"


For gel candle we need: candle gel, wax, wick, wick holders, dyes, beer glass, 2 pots (one larger and one smaller) or pan + bank.

Step 1. We shall melt our candle gel. The gel should be drown in a water bath, over medium heat, as it may not overheat. The water should not boil. You can use a thermometer. The temperature of gel should be around 75 degrees. If you use a glass dish, be careful it does not burst. Using the bank take a towel and set it in a pan until the water is cold for the bank be gradually heated.

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Step 2. If there is a need, wash and dry the bank. Then soak your wick in paraffin and let it be cooled. Use the special holder for the wick. As for gel You should better take thick wick, because gel burns 5 times more, than that of paraffin.

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Step 3. In the gel Аdd some yellow dye in the gel (suitable for gel powder dyes).

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Step 4. Melted and painted gel is poured into our glass.

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Step 5. What kind of beer is without foam? Melt a small amount of paraffin, color it in white. Let the gel be a little cooler, about 55 degrees (covered with a thin film ). To beat the gel in foam, I use a disposable fork. Fill whipped gel in a glass. Important: if not to faile to foam, gel should already cooled. You shoud better fill it from a distance, so it will do more bubbles.

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Well, this beer is a perfect gift to your beloved man on February 23 or the like;)

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customer since 8 years 1 month, 19 orders
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